A Quick & Simple Vegetable Rice (Pressure Cooker Method)

Some-days back we friends Lubna, Satrupa, DeepaSri and me had a potluck at my place. I simply loved all the dishes cooked by them. While we were relaxing after our heavy lunch, we started discussing about the recipe cooked by all. When Deepa was telling about the dish made by her, i was quite impressed by the ingredients of vegetable rice. She explained that she added only vegetables and few spices to the rice and did not use any masala paste or masala powders to the rice and the rice used was Basmati one. I cant wait to try this. Because it's very very easy, simple and quick to make, more than that it was absolutely yummy. When we invited my hubby's friend and his wife for lunch on one sunday, i made this Vegetable rice and Dum aloo, it was a huge hit. I was happy and thanks to Deepa for the recipe.

Serves 2 | Preparation time: 5 Min's | Cooking Time: 15 Min's

  • 1 1/2 cups Finely chopped Vegetables( i used Carrot, Beans, Sweet corn and Peas )
  • 2 cups of Basmati Rice
  • 2 inch Cinnamon Sticks
  • 5 Cloves
  • 4. Cardamom
  • 1 Star Anise
  • Few Bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp of Oil
  • 2 tbsp of Ghee
  • 1/2 tbsp of oil or cheese
  • Salt to taste

  • Wash and soak the Basmatic rice in 3 cups of water for 15 Min's and keep aside.
  • Mean while heat oil and ghee in the pressure cooker.
  • Add all the whole spices one by one to it and fry for a few seconds.
  • Next add the finely chopped vegetables to it and fry it for few minutes, say about 2 or 3 Min's.
  • Add the rice and water to the cooker and mix gently.
  • Add 1/2 tbsp of oil or ghee and required salt to it and mix gently and close the lid and pressure cook for 2 whistles and after that keep the flame low for 5 minutes and then switch off the stove.

  1. For 1 cup of basmati ricei used 1and 1/4 cups of water.
  2. Use Basmati Rice for this recipe, that gives a nice flavor and taste
  3. I have added 1/2 tbsp of oil in the final step because this is to prevent the rice from sticking.

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